API Docs for: 0.6.1

File: src/collision/GridBroadphase.js

module.exports = GridBroadphase;

var Broadphase = require('./Broadphase');
var Vec3 = require('../math/Vec3');
var Shape = require('../shapes/Shape');

 * Axis aligned uniform grid broadphase.
 * @class GridBroadphase
 * @constructor
 * @extends Broadphase
 * @todo Needs support for more than just planes and spheres.
 * @param {Vec3} aabbMin
 * @param {Vec3} aabbMax
 * @param {Number} nx Number of boxes along x
 * @param {Number} ny Number of boxes along y
 * @param {Number} nz Number of boxes along z
function GridBroadphase(aabbMin,aabbMax,nx,ny,nz){
    this.nx = nx || 10;
    this.ny = ny || 10;
    this.nz = nz || 10;
    this.aabbMin = aabbMin || new Vec3(100,100,100);
    this.aabbMax = aabbMax || new Vec3(-100,-100,-100);
	var nbins = this.nx * this.ny * this.nz;
	if (nbins <= 0) {
		throw "GridBroadphase: Each dimension's n must be >0";
    this.bins = [];
	this.binLengths = []; //Rather than continually resizing arrays (thrashing the memory), just record length and allow them to grow
	this.bins.length = nbins;
	this.binLengths.length = nbins;
	for (var i=0;i<nbins;i++) {
GridBroadphase.prototype = new Broadphase();
GridBroadphase.prototype.constructor = GridBroadphase;

 * Get all the collision pairs in the physics world
 * @method collisionPairs
 * @param {World} world
 * @param {Array} pairs1
 * @param {Array} pairs2
var GridBroadphase_collisionPairs_d = new Vec3();
var GridBroadphase_collisionPairs_binPos = new Vec3();
GridBroadphase.prototype.collisionPairs = function(world,pairs1,pairs2){
    var N = world.numObjects(),
        bodies = world.bodies;

    var max = this.aabbMax,
        min = this.aabbMin,
        nx = this.nx,
        ny = this.ny,
        nz = this.nz;

	var xstep = ny*nz;
	var ystep = nz;
	var zstep = 1;

    var xmax = max.x,
        ymax = max.y,
        zmax = max.z,
        xmin = min.x,
        ymin = min.y,
        zmin = min.z;

    var xmult = nx / (xmax-xmin),
        ymult = ny / (ymax-ymin),
        zmult = nz / (zmax-zmin);

    var binsizeX = (xmax - xmin) / nx,
        binsizeY = (ymax - ymin) / ny,
        binsizeZ = (zmax - zmin) / nz;

	var binRadius = Math.sqrt(binsizeX*binsizeX + binsizeY*binsizeY + binsizeZ*binsizeZ) * 0.5;

    var types = Shape.types;
    var SPHERE =            types.SPHERE,
        PLANE =             types.PLANE,
        BOX =               types.BOX,
        COMPOUND =          types.COMPOUND,

    var bins=this.bins,

    // Reset bins
    for(var i=0; i!==Nbins; i++){
        binLengths[i] = 0;

    var ceil = Math.ceil;
	var min = Math.min;
	var max = Math.max;

	function addBoxToBins(x0,y0,z0,x1,y1,z1,bi) {
		var xoff0 = ((x0 - xmin) * xmult)|0,
			yoff0 = ((y0 - ymin) * ymult)|0,
			zoff0 = ((z0 - zmin) * zmult)|0,
			xoff1 = ceil((x1 - xmin) * xmult),
			yoff1 = ceil((y1 - ymin) * ymult),
			zoff1 = ceil((z1 - zmin) * zmult);

		if (xoff0 < 0) { xoff0 = 0; } else if (xoff0 >= nx) { xoff0 = nx - 1; }
		if (yoff0 < 0) { yoff0 = 0; } else if (yoff0 >= ny) { yoff0 = ny - 1; }
		if (zoff0 < 0) { zoff0 = 0; } else if (zoff0 >= nz) { zoff0 = nz - 1; }
		if (xoff1 < 0) { xoff1 = 0; } else if (xoff1 >= nx) { xoff1 = nx - 1; }
		if (yoff1 < 0) { yoff1 = 0; } else if (yoff1 >= ny) { yoff1 = ny - 1; }
		if (zoff1 < 0) { zoff1 = 0; } else if (zoff1 >= nz) { zoff1 = nz - 1; }

		xoff0 *= xstep;
		yoff0 *= ystep;
		zoff0 *= zstep;
		xoff1 *= xstep;
		yoff1 *= ystep;
		zoff1 *= zstep;

		for (var xoff = xoff0; xoff <= xoff1; xoff += xstep) {
			for (var yoff = yoff0; yoff <= yoff1; yoff += ystep) {
				for (var zoff = zoff0; zoff <= zoff1; zoff += zstep) {
					var idx = xoff+yoff+zoff;
					bins[idx][binLengths[idx]++] = bi;

    // Put all bodies into the bins
    for(var i=0; i!==N; i++){
        var bi = bodies[i];
        var si = bi.shape;

        case SPHERE:
            // Put in bin
            // check if overlap with other bins
            var x = bi.position.x,
                y = bi.position.y,
                z = bi.position.z;
            var r = si.radius;

			addBoxToBins(x-r, y-r, z-r, x+r, y+r, z+r, bi);

        case PLANE:
            var planeNormal = si.worldNormal;

			//Relative position from origin of plane object to the first bin
			//Incremented as we iterate through the bins
			var xreset = xmin + binsizeX*0.5 - bi.position.x,
				yreset = ymin + binsizeY*0.5 - bi.position.y,
				zreset = zmin + binsizeZ*0.5 - bi.position.z;

            var d = GridBroadphase_collisionPairs_d;
			d.set(xreset, yreset, zreset);

			for (var xi = 0, xoff = 0; xi !== nx; xi++, xoff += xstep, d.y = yreset, d.x += binsizeX) {
				for (var yi = 0, yoff = 0; yi !== ny; yi++, yoff += ystep, d.z = zreset, d.y += binsizeY) {
					for (var zi = 0, zoff = 0; zi !== nz; zi++, zoff += zstep, d.z += binsizeZ) {
						if (d.dot(planeNormal) < binRadius) {
							var idx = xoff + yoff + zoff;
							bins[idx][binLengths[idx]++] = bi;

			if (bi.aabbNeedsUpdate) {


    // Check each bin
    for(var i=0; i!==Nbins; i++){
		var binLength = binLengths[i];
		//Skip bins with no potential collisions
		if (binLength > 1) {
			var bin = bins[i];

			// Do N^2 broadphase inside
			for(var xi=0; xi!==binLength; xi++){
				var bi = bin[xi];
				for(var yi=0; yi!==xi; yi++){
					var bj = bin[yi];

//	for (var zi = 0, zoff=0; zi < nz; zi++, zoff+= zstep) {
//		console.log("layer "+zi);
//		for (var yi = 0, yoff=0; yi < ny; yi++, yoff += ystep) {
//			var row = '';
//			for (var xi = 0, xoff=0; xi < nx; xi++, xoff += xstep) {
//				var idx = xoff + yoff + zoff;
//				row += ' ' + binLengths[idx];
//			}
//			console.log(row);
//		}
//	}
